What does Concrete and Maple syrup have in common? The simple answer is Michael and Sheryl Head, owners of the WOLFCREST project in Owego, NY.
In addition to designing and building their own Timber Frame / SIP home on their Park like site, this couple lives on and off the land in the most natural way. Utilizing natural resources and teaching others in their Wilderness Way School is beyond a philosophy… for them it’s a dedication… and a way of life. Working with Michael and Sheryl is too much fun to be considered work. Forty plus acres of private parkland, including a bass-bound lake, portable sawmill and syrup producing Maple trees is a transcendent experience.
After 53+ years of home building, I think of the design and development stage as gestation. Likewise, watching a foundation emerge from the ground is truly a birthing process. As we watch the physical presence of their home take shape, it’s difficult not to compare it to an act of creation. What did not exist…now does, and in a realized form molded by the imagination, vision and preferences of the parents who provide the dream power.
Michael is also a member of our TA (Technical Assistance) Apprentice Program and will be hands on with his May 15th Timber Frame and SIP raising. Perhaps you’ll meet him during the birth of your own home.
We’re privileged and proud to be a participant in the creation of all the homes we build. We’re happy to be an Uncle to their child. Of course we will fish in the lake, camp on the grounds and…oh yeah…we are crafting a personal name plate for the Guest Suite :>)!
As Michael would say instead of Good Bye…Yahta’he!

Jack… Multi-Tasking is FUN! :>)
In virtually every case a Timber Frame / SIP enclosed homeowner can rely on maximizing their ROI (Return on Investment) by virtue of their TF/SIP homes:
Ask our current owners. CLIK HERE and enter the ZIP CODE for your home-site and we’ll do our best to hook you up with a HOME TOUR and/or a RAISING EVENT. We believe seeing is believing…not to mention the opportunity to meet and greet our Timber Frame / SIP Homeowners.
Try it….you’ll LOVE IT!
Jack Costantino
(908) 876.5262 Office
(201) 230.6429 Cell
Long Valley, NJ 07853