If you’re a Timber Framer, Associate or just a good old fashioned Timber Frame LOVER aka HOMEOWNER…you can help support the continuation of this beautiful, sustainable option for home design and construction.

The Journey Worker and Apprentice program is literally the bottom line for the success and survival of the craft in these extraordinary times. As a niche market Timber Framing is especially sensitive to negative pressure on home building generally. For that reason it’s more important than ever to support our veteran and incoming crafters. The VET’s become the MENTOR’s for the incoming young people who are determined to carry the craft forward.

Like all educational programs there are associated costs. I’m making an appeal to all recipients of our NL to please do this simple thing…


and contribute any amount from $10.00 UP.
Earmark your contribution in the COMMENTS BOX with the word APPRENTICE.

CLIK to learn more about the APPRENTICE program.


Jack Costantino, Pres
Timber Frames Unlimited
(908) 876.5262


It’s possible that you do… and don’t know it?

Journey Worker / Apprentice Program

Dan Roberts, Jon Pease, Michael Tebaldi
Dan Roberts, Jon Pease, Michael Tebaldi
If there is a single objective important to the survival of the craft of Timber Framing it may be the success of the JOURNEY WORKER and APPRENTICE PROGRAM. At TFU, we were pleased and privileged to provide Burlington Conference registration for three young men who are at various stages of participation or aspiration for the program. They are enthusiastic about their current and future connection to Timber Framing and looking forward to pursuing a continuing career in the craft. I must say I was beyond impressed with them, their commitment and plans for the future. They are well suited candidates for carrying the craft into the next generation.

Here at TFU, as a result of our Conference experience, we have made a commitment to supporting these programs going forward. To that end we will be reaching out by phone to member companies of the TFBC and those represented in the TFG’s individual roster.

The fact is that a member of your current shop staff may be a short application away from qualification for these programs. Based on the current structure of the program, a JW must be available to mentor, manage and oversee the curriculum status of an Apprentice. Annual dues for each are only $1,000.00. The pay-off for our craft going forward is enormous. Your long term shop personnel and TF crafters have accumulated practical experience and knowledge which may provide an easy transition to the JW program. Assistance is available for completing the necessary paperwork directly from the ATC (Apprentice Training Committee). Once your JW is registered, other crafters in your shop can become members of the AP training program. CLIK HERE to Contact the ATC directly for additional information about how you can utilize this existing asset while supporting the future of Timber Framing. Becoming a participant in the JW / AP program is a way to spotlight your shop in the TF community as well as with your prospects and clients.

If direct participation in the JW / AP program is not possible or practical for your shop, there are other ways to support this effort. Read the below excerpt from Curtis Milton and Isaac McCoy-Sulentic in November’s SCANTLINGS. CLIK HERE to read the balance of the article in the APPRENTICE LOG on page 8.

“Another engine, which to date has been misfiring, is support from the timber frame industry. “

2“More companies registering more journey workers, and then more apprentices, is perhaps the greatest measure of success as spelled out in the ATP goals, but that is not the only way industry could contribute. Brokering or contributing a revenue-generating project that can be a training platform; cash or in-kind donations; and sponsoring, organizing, and hosting training sessions would all help keep the program sustainable.”

PREFER TO WRITE A CHECK??? Well allllllrighty then…I have been assured by acting Board President, John Miller that filling in the MEMO line on your check made out to the GUILD (an accompanying note will back up your intentions) dedicating the funds to be utilized by the JW / AP Program will effectively set them aside. ANY AMOUNT IS A GOOD AMOUNT!! Funding the program will assist its growth and relevance for new and seasoned TF crafters alike.


Over the next several weeks I will do my best to personally connect with each member of the TFBC and companies represented on the TFG rolls. Although I would love it if you were willing to sign up on the phone…you CAN’T! The purpose of my brief call will be to learn more about what and how the JW / ATC program could work for you…OR…if and how you would be willing to provide support. Although I have met many of you at conferences over the years…if this is our first time…I promise to be gentle. Please take my call. It’s likely I won’t stop calling until you do…

Seriously…as a relatively mature individual (72 on Halloween)…in the time I have left, and while I’m still able…I would like to help grow the JW / AP program. I believe its importance to the TF community and craft is a no-brainer.


3“We also regret the resignation of TFG, Project Director, Alicia Spence. As stated in SCANTLINGS…

“The board regretfully accepted the resignation of project director Alicia Spence after completion of the successful project in Vicksburg, Mich. Alicia has managed some of the most noteworthy and successful projects in Guild history. We wish her the best as she moves on to other endeavors.”

4Along with the loss of Joel McCarty and implementation of Corporate Management; we may experience a sea change in the face and personality of the Guild. For an organization which has maintained a truly community dynamic…bordering on familial…one can not help but wonder what we will become.

Economic dynamics from local to global, over the past several years have presented many challenges to all business models across the board. As a niche market in housing, it’s no surprise that we have experienced some of the contraction typical of all Organizations and Artisanal endeavors in particular.

Organizationally speaking, the membership at large will be the recipient of the benefits, efficiencies and success of the current iteration…or not. Although unavoidably disconcerted at the moment, my personal plan is to press forward with as much resolve as I can muster to help stabilize and grow our professional organizations, as well as add to our share of homebuilding locally and nationally. For me the JW / AP program is a great focus to assist that process.

Have anything to say about any of the above…hit me back HERE. Comments may be published in future “TIMBER TALK” segments.

Talk to you later….

Jack Costantino, Pres.
Timber Frames Unlimited, LLC
Long Valley, NJ 07853
(908) 876.5262 Office
(201) 230.6429 Cell




Heroic Effort and Astounding Results

Rick Holder, Holder Brothers
Rick Holder, Holder Brothers
So….as I aimed my new “smarter than me” phone at him in the cafeteria of the Burlington campus this weekend Rick Holder said “……awww you ain’t gonna snap my pic are ya…” to which I replied…YUP. And snap I did. I always enjoy seeing Rick, Gabel and Whit Holder at TFG events. Watching Rick work the crowd is fascinating and huge fun. Some of you may know that Rick and the boys play band dates. I even got to sing with them on a back patio in Montebello in 2010. As I recall I sang Hank Williams’ Cheatin Heart. They graciously and thankfully indulged me. Most don’t! It was sublime.

Along with the extraordinary participation of Sandy Becker…Rick and his boys aka “ring men” (I did not know that term) collected over $32,000.00 sorely needed dollars at this years auction event. I would say that qualifies them as CONFERENCE HEROES! CONGRATS…on a job well done….AGAIN. And besides Rick…I believe you’re darn good lookin’. And I mean that in the most manly way :>) !

Apprentice Program

Dan Roberts, Jon Pease, Michael Tebaldi
Dan Roberts, Jon Pease, Michael Tebaldi
If there is a single objective important to the survival of the craft of Timber Framing it may be the success of the APPRENTICE PROGRAM. At TFU, we were pleased and privileged to provide registration for three young men who are at various stages of participation or aspiration for the program. They are enthusiastic about their current and future connection to Timber Framing and looking forward to pursuing a continuing career in the craft. I must say I was beyond impressed with them, their commitment and plans for the future. They are well suited candidates for carrying the craft into the next generation.

Dan Roberts is an active apprentice at Trillium Dell with Rick Collins as his Journeyman. He’s focused on all areas of growth from layout to cutting to raising. Along with others TFU will follow his growth and path going forward and assist in any way we can to facilitate his progress. Dan is as focused as you get…and understands the imperative to become accomplished in all phases of the process. As with all of us…his motivation is spurred by necessity…but fueled by the fire of his passion for the work and its extraordinary history.

Jon Pease is an active apprentice at New England Barn Company since 2009. His tutelage is provided by Rob Turnquist and Gary Helman. Jon describes his 2008 introduction to Timber Framing as “circumstantial, but well timed”. With the general economy in steep decline the clientele for his own GC and carpentry work dwindled. A friend introduced him to the opportunity at NEBC and the rest is history. He loves working for a small company for the benefits of a well rounded exposure to all aspects of the work from layout to handling, assembly and raising. He describes the overall experience as “extremely rewarding”.

Jon is totally invested in the hands-on nature of TF and what it means in the general economy. To paraphrase Jon…”in a world where giant corporations increasingly outsource production to maximize profit…quality suffers. It’s a breath of fresh air to be part of a local team, building a quality product with local resources which will last hundreds of years. Not just made in the USA…but…hand made in the USA with PRIDE.”

Michael Tebaldi is as organic a young man as you will meet. Sort of like a 20’s version of Jack Sobon (one of my personal heroes of TF). Michael worked for several years in organic farming and was mentored early on by Will Gusakov. He is taken with what he describes as the “rural tradition” and “honesty of the craft”. He has participated in hand raisings and is intent on pursuing a career in Timber Framing. After speaking with him during an impromptu chat on a bench outside the campus on Sunday morning, I can tell you he is cut from whole cloth. An amazingly contemplative, introspective and passionate young man.

Speaking for myself….what more can one say. TFU is PROUD of our recipients for Conference attendance and look forward to following and assisting their path going forward.

Our hope is to participate in the activities of the TFG Apprentice Program. We are exploring that possibility with Rick Collins and Curtis Milton of the TFG’s ATC. To that end you may expect me to contact you for your support and to provide information about how you can become a participant. Please take the time to learn more about it. It’s the best thing you can do for the GUILD community and YOURSELF! THANKS AGAIN to the three companies who have already expressed an interest and intention to join the APPRENTICE PROGRAM since the conference. More on that later.

Breaking things is FUN

309Of course Ben Brungraber was on hand as always to bust things up. At one of the most popular events of any conference the tension and compression game was engaged in full force. (Ok…how many metaphors should be allowed in one sentence. Ill check with Ken Rower and Susan Witter later.) It’s always a blast waiting for the cracking to occur and no one does it better than Ben and his Firetower team. They haven’t left a joint standing yet. But no worries…stresses generally exceed what happens in real time. They don’t call him “Bustin Ben” for nothin’.

310It was purely magical watching Grigg Mullen and John Miller orchestrate the smooth rise of a gin pole…rigged and raised by a willing team of volunteers on the lawn at Champlain College. It was fun watching our own TFU, Field Manager, Michael Head (left of Grigg) tying the special knots and contributing a few of his own as the rigging was prepared. At the end the pole raised as smooth and even as they have been for centuries. Who needs cranes when you can round up 50 or so neighbors and townspeople and a few stout ropes and pulleys to engage in a community effort not soon forgotten. I loved every rope pulling, come-a-long moment. Our three apprentices were also on board. Being “hands-on” is what makes the difference…and there were plenty of hands on the task on Saturday. Total fun and educational.

Best PHRASE of the Conference

Tim Krahn, Bldg. Alternatives, Inc
Tim Krahn, Bldg. Alternatives, Inc
Well…they say there’s “one in every crowd” and for me, at least at this Conference Tim Krahn of Building Alternatives, Inc in Ontario, CA was the one. Appropriate to the current dilemma for the TFG, TFBC and the craft and practice of Timber Framing itself, Tim randomly, spontaneously and without prompting issued this edict…

“GROW, MATURE, EVOLVE”…I couldn’t have said it better myself. These are truly changing times.. and the times are truly changing all we do…about what we do. Although we continue to build the frames we build in an assortment of traditional and post-traditional ways…how we approach the future may be all about how we engage our connection to the life blood of the marketplace…our future Timber Frame homeowners.

Thanks Tim…now if you could just send the rest of the Owners Manual…I know we’ll all appreciate and read it till the pages curl at the corners.

Jack Costantino, Pres.
Timber Frames Unlimited, LLC
Long Valley, NJ 07853
(908) 876.5262 Office
(201) 230.6429 Cell



My 54th year as a hands on carpenter/builder…as of June 29th, 2013. Do the math :>) !!!


Three new members of our TF client family:

Ed and Marilyn B., Hillsborough, NJ
Dave and Lea J., Readington, NJ
Maison and Alicia L., Perkiomenville, PA

Thank you for your confidence…we will not disappoint you!


3-1It seems like yesterday but it was April 15th when we broke ground at our Owego, NY project. The entire home is now framed and with any cooperation from the weather the roof sheathing will be finished today. Next we’ll begin our exterior trim, roofing and siding. At the same time the interior mechanicals, plumbing, electrical and HVAC will be in progress.

Thanks to excellent team work, a great crew of carpenters with Roger’s Construction, and the hands- on participation and management of homeowner and TFU Apprentice Michael Head, every piece of the Timber Frame, SIPs and pre-cut stick assembly has been nestled in place. It’s quite the site to see. CLIK HERE for an updated video of the process from foundation slab to recent times.

3-2In the interim and in the midst of all this, on June 22nd, we were treated to a Joining Ceremony for these two incredibly whole and loving people. Embracing Native American traditions we were privileged to participate in this touching, meaningful moment in the lives of a couple we have grown to love and include in our family of friends. If there is such a thing as “significant others” these two are testament to the true meaning of what is otherwise an overused and ambiguous term.


%%% INTEREST ing News! %%%

Home Mortgage Rates
WAS 2.75%
NOW 4.38%

Of great INTEREST to me and very important for our pipeline of prospects and design clients is the current trend for creeping INTEREST RATES. Although still variable week to week…the problem is…they are creeping UPWARD. After reaching historic lows, below 3%, a current 30 yr fixed mortgage can now cost as much as 4.38%. Calculated over the long term of a mortgage, these small differences amount to 10s of thousands of dollars along with possibly unaffordable monthly payments.

CLIK HERE to visit a very good reference site for tracking current rates and comparing year ago statistics.

If you’re on the fence about your new home plans…please remember that the cost of construction is only one slice of the home buying/building fiscal pie. After over 5 decades of building…through a variety of INTEREST…ing times (19-21% in 1979) these are still fire sale rates.

Acting sooner to realize the dream of your dream home may be more important than ever.


In virtually every case a Timber Frame / SIP enclosed homeowner can rely on maximizing their ROI (Return on Investment) by virtue of their TF/SIP homes:


Ask our current owners. CLIK HERE and enter the ZIP CODE for your home-site and we’ll do our best to hook you up with a HOME TOUR and/or a RAISING EVENT. We believe seeing is believing…not to mention the opportunity to meet and greet our Timber Frame / SIP Homeowners.

Try it….you’ll LOVE IT!

Jack Costantino
(908) 876.5262 Office
(201) 230.6429 Cell
Long Valley, NY 07853

Yes… Eagles soar… but so do our TIMBERS!


We are very excited to have embarked on the WOLFCREST PROJECT in OWEGO, NY.

The Timber Frame was delivered, assembled and “flown into place” by 3PM of the second day. As always, it was quite the sight to witness and even more fun to engage.

Our clients Michael and Sheryl were on hand and HANDS-ON with the process. As the newest member of our TF apprentice program…Michael enjoyed the special pleasure of participating in the assembly and raising of his own frame. Needless to say it was educational and satisfying. I was on hand as usual to control the fish population in his private Bass Lake.

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAMichael drives the FIRST PEG in his frame assembly. He decided that this peg will not be trimmed, providing an eternal reminder to all who enjoy the space about that special moment. Old time stair builders would build in a “squeak” in one step of a stairway for the same reason.

Michael and Sheryl operate the WILDERNESS WAY SCHOOL at their spectacular OWEGO, NY site. Forty plus beautifully treed and groomed acres provide their students from around the country a unique and natural experience about Wilderness Living. To learn more about the wild edibles growing around you and how to make a length of rope from a variety of tall grass…the Wilderness Way School is the place to be. CLIK HERE to view the 2013 course schedule.

ALSO… we are planning to offer a WILDERNESS WAY WEEKEND to our design clients and will keep you posted with our progress. The weekend will include lodging, camping, meals and wilderness classes for two. Guests will also enjoy getting up close and personal with Michael and Sheryl’s beautiful Timber Frame Hybrid home. It’s a win-win for all…and it’s complimentary to our guests. OH! WAIT…isn’t that a WIN-WIN-WIN ???



In virtually every case a Timber Frame / SIP enclosed homeowner can rely on maximizing their ROI (Return on Investment) by virtue of their TF/SIP homes:


Try it….you’ll LOVE IT!

Jack Costantino
(908) 876.5262 Office
(201) 230.6429 Cell
Long Valley, NY 07853


Timber Framers Build Conference
Burlington, Vt. August 8th – 11th



TFG, TFEC, TTRAG and TFBC Members, Timber Frame Homeowners, Architect’s and all interested in learning more… about Timber Frame Homes and Commercial Structures…please register and join our colleagues and friends at the upcoming conference in Burlington, Vt. It’s more important than ever to have maximum participation to support your national organizations. Your support enables the continued representation and public education for the Art and Craft of Timber Framing nationally and abroad. CLIK HERE to process your ONLINE REGISTRATION.

If you are a member of the TFG APPRENTICE PROGRAM and need financial assistance to attend the conference…please CLIK HERE and provide your name and contact info. TFU will provide one COMPLIMENTARY REGISTRATION for the FULL CONFERENCE from Friday to Sunday which includes meals and two nights lodging at CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE worth $457.00. A blind drawing will determine the recipient who will be notified by or before July 1st. CLIK HERE to learn more about the HEARTWOOD SCHOOL and the apprentice program.

Some of the scheduled conference events:

John Abrams, plenary speaker, will wrestle with the Long Now.

Ben Brungraber and his Timber Busting team at Fire Tower Engineered Timber has just added shear testing to their joint-busting happening.

Pre-conference workshops include stair-building with Billy Dillon; Mike Beganyi on Advanced SketchUp + Layout; Ellen Gibson on chip carving; scribing natural forms with the help of Josh Jackson; the TFEC engineering symposium; and Clark Bremer taking you through compound joinery with Google SketchUp.

Jan Lewandoski will lead the TTRAG tour of Vermont churches and barns.

Children are welcome to learn timber framing, supervised, while they build a playhouse at the Children’s workshop.

What could be nicer than August, by Lake Champlain, with timber framing all around?

Submit your COMPLIMENTARY REGISTRATION request today. We look forward to meeting you at the conference.

Jack Costantino, President
Timber Frames Unlimited, LLC

Along with CONCRETE… MAPLE SYRUP is flowing at the WOLFCREST PROJECT in Owego, NY

Michael and Sheryl Head

What does Concrete and Maple syrup have in common? The simple answer is Michael and Sheryl Head, owners of the WOLFCREST project in Owego, NY.

In addition to designing and building their own Timber Frame / SIP home on their Park like site, this couple lives on and off the land in the most natural way. Utilizing natural resources and teaching others in their Wilderness Way School is beyond a philosophy… for them it’s a dedication… and a way of life. Working with Michael and Sheryl is too much fun to be considered work. Forty plus acres of private parkland, including a bass-bound lake, portable sawmill and syrup producing Maple trees is a transcendent experience.


After 53+ years of home building, I think of the design and development stage as gestation. Likewise, watching a foundation emerge from the ground is truly a birthing process. As we watch the physical presence of their home take shape, it’s difficult not to compare it to an act of creation. What did not exist…now does, and in a realized form molded by the imagination, vision and preferences of the parents who provide the dream power.


Michael is also a member of our TA (Technical Assistance) Apprentice Program and will be hands on with his May 15th Timber Frame and SIP raising. Perhaps you’ll meet him during the birth of your own home.

We’re privileged and proud to be a participant in the creation of all the homes we build. We’re happy to be an Uncle to their child. Of course we will fish in the lake, camp on the grounds and…oh yeah…we are crafting a personal name plate for the Guest Suite :>)!

As Michael would say instead of Good Bye…Yahta’he!

Jack Fishing
Jack… Multi-Tasking is FUN! :>)


In virtually every case a Timber Frame / SIP enclosed homeowner can rely on maximizing their ROI (Return on Investment) by virtue of their TF/SIP homes:


Ask our current owners. CLIK HERE and enter the ZIP CODE for your home-site and we’ll do our best to hook you up with a HOME TOUR and/or a RAISING EVENT. We believe seeing is believing…not to mention the opportunity to meet and greet our Timber Frame / SIP Homeowners.

Try it….you’ll LOVE IT!

Jack Costantino
(908) 876.5262 Office
(201) 230.6429 Cell
Long Valley, NJ 07853


Rails Steakhouse

Our RAILS STEAKHOUSE @ TOWACO CROSSING project is making great progress. They’ll soon be serving a mouth watering menu of hand crafted specialties and traditional creations for your dining-out pleasure. Making the experience even more unique is the RAILS Custom Timber Frame ambiance. CLIK HERE to view an action video of the Timber Frame assembly in progress. CLIK HERE to view a current video showing the scope of the projects residential and retail space as well as the Restaurants generous, but embracing interior. CLIK HERE for info about leasing retail space.

Indoor/outdoor accommodations on three levels will provide diners with every imaginable option. A spectacular main level looks UP into the dining loft, while a dramatically curved walkway allows looking DOWN into the formal dining area. And…even though it sounds like a roaring twenties confidence…a subterranean level known as the “Speakeasy” provides yet another experience… along with additional MENU options.

Jack Rails Construction

Watch for updates announcing the Grand Opening and a special invitation to be our guest during pre-opening tasting events as well as the Grand Opening itself. You may have an opportunity to submit your special recipes for our weekday “Family Favorites” night. Sharing your families favorite preparations is a great way to allow others to celebrate that special history. Not to mention FUN and YUMMY.

OK… fun seekers, save up your calories for a few months. You won’t want to leave any dessert untried.

If you would like to be considered for an invite to a pre-opening tasting event and/or the GRAND OPENING, simply reply here with….


Include your name and the name of a special guest. We look forward to serving you at RAILS STEAKHOUSE @ TOWACO CROSSING!

Jack Costantino
Design and Development Team
(908) 876.5262 Office
(201) 230.6429 Cell

Copyright © 2007-2024 Timber Frames Unlimited, all rights reserved