Timber Framers Guild Gathers in Montebello, Quebec

Carl Peter of Charles City Timber & Mat, VA.
Carl Peter of Charles City Timber & Mat, VA.

“I believe this kind of building is more important now than ever. Our need for well built, environmentally sensitive and energy efficient homes is increasing in the marketplace.” ~Patrick Evelyn, Charles City Timber & Mat, LLC~

As demonstrated by the improbable results of Carl Peter’s axe throwing…smart business owners don’t always hit their target right away, but never stop aiming for the bullseye. It’s not only about how many years we’ve been working or even how well we’ve done (or not)…when we’re lucky…and the stars align properly it’s also about the pursuit of our passion, belief in our work and our ability to achieve our objectives.

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The REAL DEAL on Real Estate

“While much has been said recently about the general health of the housing industry, the inherent advantages of owning a home still soundly trump the alternatives.”

Personal comfort and satisfaction go hand in hand with home ownership. For many people, immersion in the design process of their new home offers a unique opportunity to mold its personality, tweak the features with great precision, and ultimately reside in a dwelling that mirror the owner’s goals.

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“No matter who designs your home…be willing to share your budget…be realistic with what you can afford, and be flexible..”

So…you’ve decided to move forward with your timber frame/SIP home. And you’re planning to be hands-on. Now what? Figuring out what your budget should be or what you can afford may in fact, be “rocket science”. One of the most common questions, and rightfully so is, “How much will my home cost?” The reality of it is, “It all depends…” Nowadays, there are so many choices available. From the size of the home, wood species and style of the timber frame, type of SIP panel and foundation system to the type of flooring, counter tops, and appliances, the list is endless.

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Time for Change… again!?


“In lock step, we the people march forward with each new day adjusting and improving our survival skills and watch with wry amusement as the promise of yes we can swings on the hinge of no we can’t fearing in our hearts, that when it comes to the kind of change we fantasize we never will.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

As we leave the grand pallet of fall, and approach the less chromatic but nonetheless spectacular splendor of snow capped hillsides and cityscapes, we can’t help but reflect on the year we’re leaving behind.

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DIY… is it for you?

“Striking a balance between the work, the return on investment and the importance of family and your own time off may be the key to guiding the (DIY) process – approach DIY in a purposeful way. Take human bites. And then be sure you can chew what you bite.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

How far are you willing to go to have the home of your dreams? When paying for everything you want it to include exceeds your ability to write the checks or borrow the money…what would you do? If anything is changing in the way we build our homes it must be the increased knowledge and participation of the occupants.
Product and installation information is literally available with a few clicks of a mouse. In addition, on virtually any weekend free classes and seminars can be attended at Big Box Stores in most neighborhoods for installing kitchen cabinets, ceramic tile, finished flooring, etc. Then, the students can leave the store with not only the material for their projects, but the special tools and rental equipment required.

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Made in the USA

Made In USA

“Timber Framers take great pride in creating and restoring historically significant structure’s to reflect their original heritage while preparing them for their next century. It is a discipline we approach with pride, integrity, and admiration of our forefather’s tenacity, expertise, and perseverance.”

As an iconic emblem of American ingenuity and perseverance, the Made in USA label appears to be destined for a perch on a dusty shelf at the Smithsonian. Along with early automobiles, TVs, washing machines, and my 1985 Tandy 1000 computer, they are preserved for posterity in nostalgic tableaus. As for my Tandy 1000, if not for that miraculous device, it’s possible I would still be in Oxford, MS, pecking away, with ever shortening index fingers in an attempt to type an error free resume to 300 nationwide construction companies on my Royal portable typewriter.

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Yes I CAN…Yes I WILL !!!

Lucca Thomas Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

“Believing we can accomplish what we can imagine, is a necessary first step toward the success of our efforts. Adversity is a natural piece of everyone’s life puzzle. Never invite defeat in advance, by not believing you can succeed…no matter what the challenge.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

Why does this three year old believe he can lift an object cemented to the ground by a combination of gravity, and…well…cement? In the case of Lucca Thomas Costantino, our Great Grandson…my guess is…that no one told him he couldn’t or that it wasn’t possible. Believing in his objective of relocating this stone and tile fire pit to another part of his backyard is all he needed. He just walked up to it and began the task. He didn’t ask for help, or an opinion or permission for that matter, it was simply in his way and needed to be moved.

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James Ortiz, Woodrow Wilson Middle School wins USGBC-NJ Award

James Ortiz

“… in the enormous expanse that is our universe, there only exists one earth, and we need to take care of it for future generations.” ~James Ortiz, 14~

Eighth grader James Ortiz is one of this year’s recipients of the USGBC-NJ Gala K-12 Student Award. Some of his research is focused on carbon capture and storage. In measuring his efforts against Newton’s well known accumulation of scientific treatises, he comments that his work doesn’t compare in stature or importance. As a 14 year old attending Woodrow Wilson Middle School in Union City, I believe James may surprise even himself over time.

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Timber Frame / SIP homes… THE BEST KEPT SECRET!!

TF Great Room

“What is NOT a secret is that TF/SIP homes are inherently traditional, durable, extremely energy efficient, low maintenance and beautiful; and especially important in these times, TF/SIP homes have increased market value the day they’re completed and at eventual resale. Compared to conventional homes of similar square footage on the same building lot, your TF/SIP home will be worth more the day you move in and return higher equity value when you decide (reluctantly) to sell.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

I must admit to being continuously perplexed by the reality that what we build is little known in the mainstream marketplace. The traceable history of timber framing’s traditional joinery goes back thousands of years. As such, you would think more prospective home buyers and builders who hear the term “timber frame”, would not instinctively respond by mistaking it for LOG homes. Many of you, who are already our clients, and living in your own TF/SIP home, met us at a Home Show. It’s also true that a number of you attended the show with a primary interest in log homes.

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Wake up calls… REVISITED!

Oil Spill water view“On a daily basis, as fears, far beyond our worst, align with the oozing and spreading reality of the dead and dying, we recognize our inadequacies…while our hearts break again and again… gradually understanding this new form of terrorism largely of our own  making.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

On October 17th, 1973, a mixed group of oil moguls called the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Companies (aka OPEC) decided they would demonstrate their displeasure of US / Israeli foreign policy by turning off our share of their oil supply. American consumers awoke to virtually spontaneous and lengthy lines at their local gas stations, quickly escalating to frustration, anger and disbelief.

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