The Complimentary SEV

When working with Timber Frames Unlimited, if geographically feasible, every home design begins with a complimentary Site Evaluation Visit (SEV).

Visiting your building site is the first, and most important, step in the design process we take together. We’ll wander the property and discuss your vision and preferences for your home.

Young Jack ConstantinoJack ConstantinoIn 1955, as a fledgling student (yes I had hair then, and it was red) of architecture and engineering, our training began at the site. We still love doing this, and it’s a service we provide free of charge – whether or not you decide to build with the TFU team. Read more about my early history by clicking here.

We’ll pull up a boulder and brainstorm about dominant views, slopes, access, orientation, plus a hundred other details, and come to some conclusions about the best exterior design, orientation of interior space, and positioning of your timber frame home in its natural setting. We want to be sure to maximize your home site’s best assets while minimizing any existing liabilities. An SEV addresses these aspects early and before the first lines are drawn of your eventual home. Asking and answering the basic questions of an SEV provides a purpose-driven outcome for your project.

Site Access…
“How do we get there?”
“How far from the main road?”
“How much tree removal?”

Energy Efficiency…
“Where does the sun rise and set?”
“Where does the wind come from?”

“What is there to see, and where do we want to see it from?”

SCHEDULE an SEV and tell us more about your interest and the current status of your project by submitting this simple form.

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