Why do TREE PEOPLE dance?

“There are more and more mandates to divert wood from the waste stream and for companies to use reused products. I told the folks back home, you know, that I’m running a logging business in sight of the skyline of New York City, and they said, ‘What?'” ~Stubby Warmbold, CitiLog~

The answer may be…Stubby Warmbold, a self-professed URBAN LOGGER from Pittstown, NJ, and one of the truest Tree People I have met to date. With some folks we meet for the first time, it only takes a few minutes to understand who it is you’re speaking to. When it comes to the environment Stubby is a doer. He candidly expresses little patience for all the “high brow chatter from board room eco-activists.” Stubby believes saving one usable tree from a wood chipper makes good sense…saving tens of thousands speaks for itself.

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James Ortiz, Woodrow Wilson Middle School wins USGBC-NJ Award

James Ortiz

“… in the enormous expanse that is our universe, there only exists one earth, and we need to take care of it for future generations.” ~James Ortiz, 14~

Eighth grader James Ortiz is one of this year’s recipients of the USGBC-NJ Gala K-12 Student Award. Some of his research is focused on carbon capture and storage. In measuring his efforts against Newton’s well known accumulation of scientific treatises, he comments that his work doesn’t compare in stature or importance. As a 14 year old attending Woodrow Wilson Middle School in Union City, I believe James may surprise even himself over time.

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Focus on Green Schools – Green Curriculum, Mendham Boro’s Hilltop Elementary School

Daria Kingman

“…if we bring them the message at virtually any age, children will not only understand it, but put it in to practice. The generation of future adults currently in elementary school will become the deciders for future policy on environmental issues.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

I believe eco-literacy cannot begin early enough. Even five year olds can reach a light switch. As this story will illustrate, if we bring them the message at virtually any age, children will not only understand it, but put it in to practice. The generation of future adults currently in elementary school will become the deciders for future policy on environmental issues.

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Book Learnin’ vs. Doin’… What’s Gooder?

Aunt Henrietta

“…I didn’t think of myself as dumb. Unfortunately, the school system decided otherwise. When I expressed my feelings of isolation and revealed some resulting low self-esteem, Aunt Henri would tilt her head and smile..and say in her long accentuated Greta Garbo style ‘Dahhhhling…life is all in the doing! Find what it is you love to do…and just do it. All the rest will fall into place.'” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

My Aunt Henrietta, who recently passed away at age 92 was my pal. We were as close as bees and hives. She was a talented and successful, virtually self taught New York artist whose work was hung and mounted in galleries and art museums in and out of the US; including prestigious wall space in the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in NYC.

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Green Schools

Jack on Ladder

“We have failed to protect our children and their children’s children. As of this moment we cannot provide a guarantee that they will grow up on a healthy planet. If there is anything which will ever be too big to fail…this is it. Car makers, insurance companies and banks pale by comparison.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

As a budding senior citizen (67) with 50 years in the knuckle gnarling world of carpentry who can still climb a ladder with one hand on the side rail while carrying a wooden beam on my shoulder, you may think that memories of elementary school are so deeply embedded in a hidden recess of my dwindling mind that little could bring those images to the surface. Not so.

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Green SCHOOLS = GREEN kids

Green Apple
“Even a five year old can reach a light switch. Should we commit to providing our youth with the essential tools for conservation from Kindergarten-up and expose them to Clean Energy alternatives as they travel the learning road, we will raise future generations who will raise their children based on a legacy we can provide.” ~Jack Costantino, Pres., TFU~

As we continue to launch the future of broad based eco-awareness (a daunting task to say the least) it’s possible that the most durable resistance will come not from oil lobby’s and other anticipated forces opposed to changing the status quo; but from the entrenched behavior of current society itself. Our addiction to fossil fuels may be of minor consequence compared to our addiction to convenience. As a consumer society we are the stuff of legend. Our homes, cars and office buildings have been designed for opulent aesthetics with an eye toward impression rather then eco-common sense.

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